what it's all about

My photo
Charlotte, NC, United States
I am on a journey -like you, I'm sure. A personal journey, a spiritual journey. A journey about passions, growth, and living. I don't have a good memory, but I value my experiences. It's very strange when you realize that you are being shaped constantly, but ultimately only remember some of the reasons why you are the person you're becoming. I find that when things resonate within me, writing about them helps me to better develop my opinions about them, and to remember them. Sometimes, it's the simple act of looking back and reminding myself where I've been that is all I need to move forward with confidence. That's why I write. Thank you for joining me.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

scarf headband

I was hot this morning, but tired of the elastic headbands I've been wearing, so I tied my hair back with a small scarf.

My hair is still a frizzy hot mess, but on the plus side, I get to see April in a couple weeks! Hooray! I wonder what she'll say of this crazy hair....


  1. Frizz is good it means your hair is evolving! Also my hair is naturally frizzy so I don't fight the frizz anymore!

  2. Very, very cute. I love the pinks and purples. I need to begin my search for accessories to decorate the newbies. Never thought about short scarves, does the label say what the material is by any chance?

