what it's all about

My photo
Charlotte, NC, United States
I am on a journey -like you, I'm sure. A personal journey, a spiritual journey. A journey about passions, growth, and living. I don't have a good memory, but I value my experiences. It's very strange when you realize that you are being shaped constantly, but ultimately only remember some of the reasons why you are the person you're becoming. I find that when things resonate within me, writing about them helps me to better develop my opinions about them, and to remember them. Sometimes, it's the simple act of looking back and reminding myself where I've been that is all I need to move forward with confidence. That's why I write. Thank you for joining me.

Monday, August 15, 2011

wedding inspired hair

At the start of the summer, our photographer friends asked if I would help them out. Their hair/makeup stylist friend, Joni, needed some faces (or I should say heads) to prettify to update her portfolio. I quickly obliged, wondering if this person would have any clue how to handle my young, short, unruly teenage locs. Well, you can see for yourself, but I think she did a great job. She wasn't even daunted, let me tell you. She just jumped right in!

So waht do you think? Fit for a bride? It was a sweltering hot day, but we had a lot of fun. Who doesn't like getting all dressed up and made up? The photographer told Joni to give me a "fun" look. I think she succeeded. The hair is just the right combination of romantic and flirty and fun, in my opinion.

My hair is growing. And the temperature's rising. I need to get my hair off my neck! I am not that into styles, but this shoot has put the bug in my head. What other fun looks can short locs achieve?


  1. Wow Alicia, love the intricate design, you look amazing!!

  2. looks so cute you could have just snapped someone up on the street and got married then and there! :)

  3. I love it! It is really cute and yes keeping the hair off of your neck is a must.

  4. 748B1

  5. 5B3DE34491Santiago05B7F7D558January 1, 2025 at 5:14 AM

    garantili takipçi
