what it's all about

My photo
Charlotte, NC, United States
I am on a journey -like you, I'm sure. A personal journey, a spiritual journey. A journey about passions, growth, and living. I don't have a good memory, but I value my experiences. It's very strange when you realize that you are being shaped constantly, but ultimately only remember some of the reasons why you are the person you're becoming. I find that when things resonate within me, writing about them helps me to better develop my opinions about them, and to remember them. Sometimes, it's the simple act of looking back and reminding myself where I've been that is all I need to move forward with confidence. That's why I write. Thank you for joining me.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I did it! I did it! Ok, April did it, but still- it's done! And I think it's cute. But first, for your viewing pleasure:

I kinda liked the craziness going on here.

(this is only half of the length you saw yesterday!)

 ta da!

Heehee.  No turning back now! So, when I sat down in April's chair, she was like, "This is all your hair..." Now that all the extensions are out and she could see the huge amount of hair still on my head, I think she was kind of in shock. And she liked it. I understand why, I mean, it was crazy, and massive, and long, and pretty. April said I looked like a Rasta. Haha.
I'm not sure if she thought I might have some doubts about the big change that was in store, but April reminded me that I don't have to rush and that, in time, I'd have locs like hers. But I am not dealing with this hair right now. She asked me if I was sure I wanted to cut it all off and started to tell me how I could transition in other ways, but quickly cut herself off. She could tell I was beyond ready.. Then she snapped her "before" picture, and the cutting began.

So, she cut off about half of the length first. Then she snipped the ends, loc by loc. Once she had cut them all, she smiled and said, "You know you're gonna have all that hair back. All of it." Lol. Yes, no matter how many times I chop it off, it all comes back. Every time. All of it...

A fabulous shampoo and condition, and back in the seat. After moisutizing my scalp with the salon's brand of oil, April trimmed a bit more, twisted, and sat me under the  dryer. The drying time was shorter, my head felt lighter... what a difference! After I was dry, she sat me in her seat one last time. Some ends were trimmed, but April left some of the somewhat loose ends, saying soemtimes they lock into the loc. That's fine with me. I don't want to look too manicured anyway. Before taking her "after" shot, she fluffed and patted, and tried to get some locs to do what she wanted. But, as all teenage locs do, they rebelled and did what they wanted. :) I'm lovin it. I'm excited to see what it will look like in a couple of days and weeks. I always do like my hair a few days after the visit, when the locs settle and loosen up a bit. We'll see how long I can keep the crazy frizziness in check. I don't know that that will work for me with this length.

So, as of now, I am very pleased. Happy that I didn't let my husband talk me out of it. I like seeing my face, and I like the fun, carefree look this do gives me. I'm excited to get to know my hair as it grows and matures.



  1. I like seeing your face too! Enjoy experiencing your 'teens' in all their glory.Me like! ;-)

  2. You are absolutely adorable and I love your hair!!! I would love to have you as a feature, your journey is very inspirational!

  3. What a small world?! Is that April from LocStar? She is really good friends with my loctician here in TX. We actually met up with her at the World Natural Hair Show a few weeks ago! And, of course, you look fabulous! I too like my locs after they've worn a couple of days!

  4. yep, that's April! you can see the before and after pics she took of me on her FB page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/LockStar-Natural-Hair-Salon-by-April-Atkinson

    She's wonderful, and I do believe she mentioned she had a loctician friend in TC when I was out there earlier this year. You're right, I keep learning how small the world is every day!
