So, I'm thinking about giving in and chopping off the twists. I'll keep the new growth has been locking, but the rest of this has got to go. I know I was going to do this look how I locked my relaxed hair thing, but I just don't like it. I kinda wanna go through the whole journey.... I'm not scared to lose the length, I started this way more because of impatience, which, I'm learning, you can't have no matter how you start natural locs. You're gonna be tested, it will never be quick or easy, and you're just gonna have to go with it. So why not just do it the right way, and do it now, before it's too late?
I mean, first of all, this is not all my hair, so why do I want to keep it? Why would I want my hair to lock with synthetic hair? I mean, if it were temporary, or extensions, I could understand that, but that is not what I am going for. Secondly, I like having short hair, and it's about that time again. Another thing- as I keep trimming it, the twists no longer want to stay, well, twisted. I hate having to retwist all the length that has come undone.
One weird thing... I've had a couple of comments in the last week or so from people saying my hair was starting to look more like locs. And here I am wanting to chop it off. Plus, I like that stage in the journey (at least on everyone else...) where the locs are kind of unruly- the teenage stage. I don't want to miss those formative months because I was weighed down by length...
What are your thoughts? Should they stay or should they go?? And is now the time to do it? Some of these locs are locking up really well, while others are not. Will it look strange for me to chop it here and now? I am seeing April next week, and will ask her what she thinks, but please weigh in. I'd love your opinions too.